

About Us

It wasn’t enough.

In January of 2023, I walked out of an industry show full of shiny, new promo products and thought, “It’s not enough.” Great products-not enough. Satisfied customers-not enough. Even a profitable business didn’t feel like enough.

My company had those things but to grow my promotional product and branded apparel biz, I needed more. The business needed to have a positive impact. I needed a purpose.

I found it next door. Next door was a trade show that skewed toward a younger demographic. It was clear that sustainable products and social responsibility were important motivators for both sellers and buyers. Its important to everyone who lives on our planet.

And Wave Promo Products and Apparel (WPP&A) specializing in sustainable swag and responsible suppliers was borne. Or at least the idea of it.

Wave Promo Products and Apparel is a division of Coastal Supply Solutions. For more than 20 years, Coastal has provided workplace supplies to commercial, education and government organizations including promotional products and branded clothing.

Wave Promo Products and Apparel is a new brand presenting our customers with practical choices of sustainable products and responsible suppliers built on Coastal’s solid foundation of top notch service. Wave also intends ro discount the eco-choice to be price competitive with less planet friendly alternatives and to commit to give back to local environmental causes.

But, it turns out we had to learn about what sustainability and responsibility actually mean before we could ride that Wave ourselves.

John Willcox Signature
John Willcox
Wave Promo & Apparel
John Willcox

John & Peyton Willcox


Eco-friendly products
What exactly is “sustainable swag?” Is it only bamboo pens and plastic bottle polos? Yes and no. There are many aspects to sustainability.

Here are our top 3.

  1. Useful Quality
    A product that is both useful and durable keeps delivering brand impressions long after that stress ball your dog ate. So the quality product works better as a promotion and it stays out of the landfill because it is kept. That’s a Win-Win-Win so useful quality is first on our sustainability list.
  2. Sustainable Materials
    Yes. Products made of compostable, re-cycled or re-cycle-able materials are always a sustainable choice. There are lots of misleading claims and terms so let us help separate the true green from the green-washed for you.
  3. Eco-friendly Packaging
    How planet-friendly is a quality, useful, recycled product if it comes packed in plastic bags in a bed of polyurethane foam? There are alternatives. We look for products that are responsibly packaged as often as the product type allows.

Responsible Suppliers

The measure of a “responsible” suppliers can be a moving target. Responsibility can apply all along the supply chain from materials to labor, to shipping and corporate initiatives. We try to work with those who are trying to improve in any of these key areas.

  • Materials:
    Not every, or even most promotional products can be made from sustainable materials. Wave uses suppliers who are making a concerted effort to add genuinely eco-friendly and fair trade alternatives so you can make your choice.
  • Labor:
    Its not easy to avoid products made by or grown by young or impoverished workers so we lean toward suppliers that overtly address the issues. For example: Our favored T-shirt supplier’s commitments starts with verifying that their cotton is grown and sewn by workers that are fairly treated and equitably paid.
    read more
  • Shipping:
    Ships and trucks spew a lot of carbon along the way. That footprint is smaller if the products is made in the USA rather than overseas. Its not easy to find competitive branded goods not made overseas but when we do we’ll give you a choice. Less carbon. More American jobs. We also look for the most carbon efficient transport routes from supplier to customer.
  • Corporate Initiatives:
    Lets get real. Most promo products aren’t eco-friendly. However, the companies that make them can work to reduce their impact. For example: Our first choice in promo product suppliers has set a goal to become carbon neutral by two EPA measures by end of 2024 among other significant responsibility initiatives.
    read more
Responsible Suppliers

Giving Back

Coastal will give at least 1% of its top-line gross revenue to a local organization working to improve our physical or human environment. (1% of our top line rather than the vague percentage of “proceeds.”)

Our intent is accept nominations and then let our customers vote on where the money goes.

As of this writing we are asking for your nominations on who our first recipient should be.

We ask that the organizations be:
  1. A registered not-for-profit organization.
  2. Working and/or based in the coastal region of Virginia.
  3. Focuses on improving our environment* and/or combating climate change.
  4. Spends our donations in the local region.
Please send your nomination to

*While our focus is the environment, we recognize the “environment” includes improving the lives and future of the people living in our region.